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Writer's pictureMargot Lucia

Growing From Seed

Getting seeds to germinate is one of the most difficult tasks in gardening for many individuals. Do not let this deter you! Because the germination rate increases and seedlings emerge strong and healthy, providing the correct circumstances for plant seeds to germinate yields a better return on your investment.


Choose a well-drained potting medium prepared specifically for germinating seeds for sprouting seeds in an incubator. I like coconut coir or just regular potting mix. Use clean containers with holes in the bottom for drainage. To encourage even settling, slightly overfill pots with soil and tap the bottom and edges.

Scrape away any excess soil with a board or knife to create a level surface. Do not flatten or crush the soil, as this will make it more difficult for the seeds to germinate.

To germinate, seeds require a specific temperature. Each plant has a germination optimum and a range within which it will germinate. The faster germination occurs, the closer the temperature is near ideal. When the soil temperature is between 68 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit, most seeds germinate. After germination, the seedling's optimum growth temperature is roughly within 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the optimum germination temperature.


Direct sowing is a gardening technique in which seeds are put directly in the soil of their intended growing location outside. They will sprout, grow, and die there. Vegetable, herb, and flower seeds, in general, require two things in order to sprout: persistent moisture and consistent warm temperatures. The soil or potting material in which the seeds are sown should be kept moist. Never allowed to completely dry out, but neither too wet nor too dry. Seeds should be started in a fluffy, fine-textured soil for the greatest results. Alternatively, a sterile soilless seed-starting media can be used. When seeds germinate and begin their existence as seedlings, they require immediate access to intense light. Seedlings may also require insect and weather protection.


When establishing plants from seed, one of the most important factors is water. If you give your seeds too much water, they will drown or decay. If you give them too little water, they will either not germinate or will die once they do. When it comes to watering, not every plant has the same requirements, but there are some general guidelines to follow:

1. Water should be able to flow out of the bottom of the pot after completely moistening the soil.

2. Now, don't overwater your plants; this is probably what kills them. When the soil is overly damp all of the time, it can cause root difficulties. This is a dance.

3. Use water that is the same temperature as the room while watering the plants. This will protect the plant from being shocked by too cold or hot water.


Organic crops are those that are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Because organic plants are grown without pesticides, their seeds are naturally better at fending off pests on their own, making them easier to grow in your organic garden. While GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism, it is a type of organism that has been altered through genetic engineering, in which genes from one animal or plant are inserted into another. So "non-GMO" simply means that genetic engineering was not used in plant breeding. Because genetic engineering is mostly utilised in cash crops like cotton, corn, and soybeans, it's very easy to avoid when purchasing seeds.

This is an heirloom sunflower holy cow the beauty!!



Most plants want light to grow and remain healthy, but not all plants want light to germinate, and as we'll see, some seeds find light to be an impediment. However, if we consider the situation from the perspective of a gardener, we can utilize the rule of thumb that most cultivated plants sold as seed prefer to germinate in the dark. Some greenhouse perennials, numerous grasses, and even tobacco prefer light, and a great number of seeds are unconcerned either way.


The radicle is the first root that emerges from the seed's shell. In the soil, this forms the major root. Water or soil moisture is necessary at the start of a seed's life to stimulate the germination stage. The protoplasm and cytoplasm in the seed cannot be activated unless they are hydrated. During the germination stage, there are a few key elements to consider. The first is the issue of temperature. For many crops, the optimal soil temperature for good seed germination is 64-75*F. The seed label should state the appropriate temperature for the crop you're cultivating.

Oxygen is a second crucial element in germination. It is a vital source of energy for seed development. This is why good organic matter in your soil, as well as the depth at which you put your seeds, are so vital.



Seed viability depends on proper storage and management. Rough handling of seedlings has been demonstrated to diminish germination or vigor of germinated seedlings. Seed germination and vigor will be harmed by high temperatures and relative humidity. Seed should not be stored in regions with high temperatures (greater than 70°F) or high humidity levels (higher than 60%). Seeds should be stored at a temperature of 35-40°F with a relative humidity of less than 40%. Most refrigerators maintain a temperature of around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, although they have a high relative humidity. Seeds should be stored in refrigerator-safe containers with a tight seal to keep humidity levels low.

Containers: this product is the best option I have tried when starting seeds!

Now first things first, before you go dropping seeds in trays, read the directions on each individual packet you buy. All seeds grow differently and some even grow without using starter trays.

These trays have 3 parts, one lid for greenhouse effect, one tray for keeping water from leaking and one seed pod tray for planting.

You are going to want to loosely dump some potting soil into the planting tray and tap the tray on your table compacting it lightly. Set the seed depth according to the packet directions. One seed should always suffice.


Soil: go for an organic potting soil mix or starter mix, nothing fancy will do.


Seeds: I always happened to like buying seeds in bulk that way I can try new fruits or veggies. Also, isn't it good to have more than enough just in case? As I've said before, keep an eye on non-GMO Organic providers for all your gardening needs.




Water: It is very critical to allow germination to happen properly as this is the most sensitive time of the plant's life. To allow full success, keep a keen eye on moisture and more importantly to not over water. If you notice the seedlings absorbing all of the water, that is a great sign but if there is standing water at the bottom of the tray that could mean you are water logging and thus now allowing the natural process of photosynthesis.

Ruler: fun little tool you may or may not have kept from grade school. Either way, this is a fun little thing you can pull out of your drawer to help spread the soil over the top of the seeds once planted. Basically you do the same as before with the top soil once seeds are laid in place, you top them off. Using the measuring stick, you graze the top off and water.

Lighting: whether it be natural or artificial light, a general rule of thumb is 6-8 hours or "full sun", as they call it, for the little pups to grow. For a small tray set up like this, I purchased a small lamp and grow bulb with a full spectrum LEDs'.




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